It was worth playing, but it could've been better
As everyone's already mentioned before me, the difficulty curve is a bugger, as well as the item pricing..
The hardest part of the game is the stone head, where it attacks so frequently and with such knockback, there's nothing you can do but run while your allies kill it.
The easiest part was the skeleton king--I grinded there for at least 7 or 8 levels..
Also, after level 30, it's nigh impossible to level up without some serious grinding.
It's ridiculously hard to buy anything (money is so hard to come by) until maybe the end of the game, where the +80dmg weapons cost just a bit more than the +20 ones earlier on.
Erm.. King Saul was actually very easy also, because of the upgraded weapons, and the maxed orb/nova.
I haven't actually played hard mode yet, but seeing the other reviews, I'm not looking forward to it..
Uhuh... let's see... that's about all I found bothersome with the game. Oh, the hilltop was also very difficult... especially that one level with 5 or 6 resurrectors scurrying around.
But besides all those negative comments, excellent game. I got my dragon grown relatively quickly (all my food went to the dragon), and so the game was a breeze after that (I like relatively easy games, go figure)--it wasn't too repetitive, what with new enemies and such, but the power of the allies and the difficulty of the enemies sorta just lead me to run around while they were killed by nova and firebreath. It was also kept interesting by the weapon upgrades, and the
'optional' storyline.
Er.. I didn't really understand the end.. the dragon was evil, and we were supposed to kill Blaze, or something? If so, why did it suddenly change from a 'upcoming chapter 2' to an epilogue, and then offer to let you continue playing...?
Anyhoo, good game, and it was very entertaining.
My only suggestions are that you toy around with the numbers a bit, namely the prices and the attack/defense stats (I know how hard it is attempting to set good stats, though..). Erm.. ohyes, maybe some additional character development?
That's all. Thanks for creating such a great game-- :D